Top 10k strings from Machine Code Test Tool (1982)(Oxford Computer Publishing)(16k).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   4 PPress ENTER to continue < >
   2 X"oq!sq"qq
   2 @This function allows you to
   1 zPr =   Load normal char.  < >
   1 udgmc     
   1 udg       
   1 this program's entry point
   1 microdrive version entry point
   1 `Ptyping symbol shift q.
   1 `HThis allows you to recall any ofyour own chars.
   1 ZPq =   Load UDG char.
   1 Pt =   Stop
   1 Ps =   Help
   1 Pprogram from the memory if your BASIC program is more than a
   1 Po =   Edit char.
   1 PTo restart the UDG program (if  still in memory) type GOTO 20.
   1 PThis allows you to load any of  the normal char. set into the   grid. The "
   1 PENTER CHAR.   < >
   1 MCTT16    y
   1 MCTT16    
   1 Hnumeric columns to the left of  the grid also changing. These   are the numeric values of the   rows of the grid in hexadecimal and decimal form. The char. in  the bottom right-hand corner
   1 Hhowever, that you might have to type NEW to clear the UDG
   1 HTo select a function, position  the cursor between the following< > symbols and press ENTER. TheENTER key is also used to exit  the functions.
   1 HThe program offers 6 functions.
   1 HThe program displays each char. in a grid form, with each dot ofthe 64 dots that go to make up achar. enlarged 256 times.
   1 H4. Load normal char.
   1 FLAG   S  Z  -  H  -  P/V  N  C
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 BREAK AT :
   1 @store your own chars. in the
   1 @move the cursor anywhere in the grid. Typing SPACE will remove adot, any other key will add a   dot. If you change the char. in the grid you will see the 2
   1 @change the char. in the grid.   Using keys 5,6,7 & 8 you can
   1 @area set aside for them above   RAMTOP.
   1 @User Defined Graphics
   1 @UDG is a program to help you to develop your own graphic chars. quickly and simply.
   1 @This function will return you tothese explanatory notes.
   1 @Pwill also change. This is the   actual size of the char. in the grid.
   1 @Pfew statements long.
   1 @FUNCTIONS (3)
   1 @FUNCTIONS (2)
   1 @FUNCTIONS (1)
   1 @@5. Help.
   1 @@2. Save UDG char.
   1 @@1. Edit Char.
   1 ;"16k version";
   1 :Pp =   Save UDG char.
   1 --- ---MOD
   1 *3m###"3m*5m
   1 '"To run MCTT from microdrive,"'"press 
   1 "Place the cartridge you wish to save the program on in drive 1."
   1 "Do you wish to save the program onto a microdrive cartridge     (y or n) ? ";
   1 " is obtained by
   1  to continue ";
   1  to clear the"'"computer,"'"then press 
   1  each time"'"you wish to run the program."
   1  Oxford Computer Publ. Ltd.";
   1  HThis function will return you toBASIC. At this point you can useany chars. you have created and saved in the area set aside for them above RAMTOP. Remember,
   1  H3. Load UDG char.
   1  F. Ainley 1982
   1  = H = D  = OVERFLOW
   1  ((()    0